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How to get "How many unread notifications does user have" on getStream?

How to get How many unread notifications does user have on getStream?

I just need an integer value of unread notifications.

(I will call the unread notifications the main like Facebook or Instagram!)

Thanks in advance


  • A typical response when fetching a Notification feed is:

    > notificationFeed.get().then((response) => console.log(response));
    Promise { _state: 0, _onFulfilled: [], _onRejected: [] }
    > { results:
    [ { activities: [Array],
       activity_count: 1,
       actor_count: 1,
       created_at: '2017-12-27T10:15:39.215550',
       group: 'e325120c-eaee-11e7-97ec-1283934ff98c',
       id: 'e3267b75-eaee-11e7-8080-800052f2693c.e325120c-eaee-11e7-97ec-1283934ff98c',
       is_read: false,
       is_seen: false,
       updated_at: '2017-12-27T10:15:39.215550',
       verb: 'post' } ],
      next: '',
      duration: '12.76ms',
      unseen: 1,
      unread: 1 }

    The unseen and unread properties on the response indicate the number of activities in the notification feed that are marked unseen, and unread respectively.