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How to set, clear, and toggle a single bit

How can I set, clear, and toggle a bit?


  • Setting a bit

    Use the bitwise OR operator (|) to set nth bit of number to 1.

    // Can be whatever unsigned integer type you want, but
    // it's important to use the same type everywhere to avoid
    // performance issues caused by mixing integer types.
    typedef unsigned long Uint;
    // In C++, this can be template.
    // In C11, you can make it generic with _Generic, or with macros prior to C11.
    inline Uint bit_set(Uint number, Uint n) {
        return number | ((Uint)1 << n);

    Note that it's undefined behavior to shift by more than the width of a Uint. The same applies to all remaining examples.

    Clearing a bit

    Use the bitwise AND operator (&) to set the nth bit of number to 0.

    inline Uint bit_clear(Uint number, Uint n) {
        return number & ~((Uint)1 << n);

    You must invert the bit string with the bitwise NOT operator (~), then AND it.

    Toggling a bit

    Use the bitwise XOR operator (^) to toggle the nth bit of number.

    inline Uint bit_toggle(Uint number, Uint n) {
        return number ^ ((Uint)1 << n);

    Checking a bit

    You didn't ask for this, but I might as well add it.

    To check a bit, shift number n to the right, then bitwise AND it:

    // bool requires #include <stdbool.h> prior to C23
    inline bool bit_check(Uint number, Uint n) {
        return (number >> n) & (Uint)1;

    Changing the nth bit to x

    There are alternatives with worse codegen, but the best way is to clear the bit like in bit_clear, then set the bit to value, similar to bit_set.

    inline Uint bit_set_to(Uint number, Uint n, bool x) {
        return (number & ~((Uint)1 << n)) | ((Uint)x << n);

    All solutions have been tested to provide optimal codegen with GCC and clang. See