When I initiate a soap request, I receive a phone number with prefix 91 (eg. 919876543210) as a response.
I want to use this number as an input value in other request through transfer property but without the prefix 91 (eg. 9876543210).Please help in finding how to do so.
I am using free version SoapUI.
//Check if there is response
//assert context.response
def input = context.expand('${MSISDN}')
Response = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["Copy of JDBC Request"].testRequest.response.contentAsString
//Parse response and extract isdn value
def isdn = new XmlSlurper().parseText(Response).'**'.find {it.name() == 'MSISDN'}.text()
//Trim first 2 digits and store at test case level
context.setProperty('MSISDN', isdn.substring(2, isdn.size()))
log.info isdn.substring(2, isdn.size())