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How to implement Server-Sent Events on IOS using Firebase?

I am trying to listen the firebase events using rest api.The problem is the callback method is not called. I am using EventSource for this purpose.Is this the correct way to listen the events?

Auth.auth().currentUser?.getIDTokenForcingRefresh(true, completion: { (token, error) in
    let server : String =  "\(token!)"

    let eventSource: EventSource = EventSource(url: server)
    eventSource.onOpen {
        // When opened
        debugPrint("eventSource open")

    eventSource.onError { (error) in
        // When errors
        debugPrint("error = \(error?.localizedDescription)")
    eventSource.onMessage { (id, event, data) in
        debugPrint("data = \(data)")
        // Here you get an event without event name!

    eventSource.addEventListener("child_added") { (id, event, data) in
        debugPrint("data = \(data)")
        // Here you get an event 'event-name'


  • I finally found the answer. I have to add 'put' event listener instead of 'child_added' event listener. According to documentation, we can use only following event listener:

    • put
    • patch
    • keep-alive
    • cancel
    • auth_revoked

    (Reference: )