I am following this library: https://github.com/PillowPillow/ng2-webstorage
My base project is adapted from Tours of Heroes
Currently, I am able to save the values in a local storage and retrieve them using webstorage. However, after refresh, my values revert to the old ones which were stored in in-memory-data.service.ts
<tr *ngFor="let bot of bots" routerLink="/botlevelup/{{bot.id}}">
import { InMemoryDbService } from 'angular-in-memory-web-api';
export class InMemoryDataService implements InMemoryDbService {
createDb() {
const bots = [
return {bots};
Bot: {{bot.id}}
Last Level: <input [(ngModel)]="bot.lastLevel" />
<button (click)="save()">Save</button>
save() {
this.storage.store('boundValue', JSON.stringify(bot));
I can see that my updated values are stored in 'boundValue' using console log, and is still present after refresh.
How do I retrieve the updated values from 'boundValue' instead of the original in-memory-data.service.ts after a refresh?
I wanted to achieve an if else:
Edit #1: Code snippet of the retrieval
getBots(): Observable<Bot[]> {
return this.http.get<Bot[]>(this.botsUrl)
catchError(this.handleError('getBots', []))
I managed to return back the table based on updated values of bots, and also old values of bots if there are no updates.
Store original values of bots in a local storage:
export const bots: Bot[] = [
var local = JSON.stringify(bots);
this.storage.store('localstore', local);
Create a local storage for value updates, in the question it is boundValue which stores all the changes.
this.storage.store('boundValue', JSON.stringify(bot));
Retrieve values from localstore and boundValue, check if there are updates in boundValue and replace localstore with updates if any.
var newValues = this.storage.retrieve('boundValue');
var oldValues = this.storage.retrieve('localstore ');
If there is no new values, return the old values. I use a variable 'array' for these values:
if(boundValue == null){
var array = $.parseJSON(oldValues);
Else, update the old values in the array:
var valueUpdate = $.parseJSON('[' + newValues + ']');
var array = $.parseJSON(oldValues);
for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++){
for (var m=0; m<valueUpdate.length; m++){
if (valueUpdate[m].id == array[i].id){
array[i] = valueUpdate[m];
this.bots = array;
It may not be the best way, but it is something that I could come up with. Thanks for all the comments on my question which gave me idea on how I could do it.