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"Hamiltonian" path using Python

I am trying to implement a recursive search for an arbitrary path (not necessarily a cycle) traversing all graph vertices using Python. Here's my code:

def hamilton(G, size, pt, path=[]):
    if pt not in set(path):
        if len(path)==size:
            return path
        for pt_next in G[pt]:
            res_path = [i for i in path]
            hamilton (G, size, pt_next, res_path)

Here, pt is the starting point and path is the list of all previously traversed vertices not including pt, empty by default. The problem is, whenever such a path is found, the return statement refers to some inner call of the procedure and therefore the program does not terminate or return the path.

For example, take G = {1:[2,3,4], 2:[1,3,4], 3:[1,2,4], 4:[1,2,3]} (i.e. the complete 4-graph) and run hamilton(G,4,1,[]). It returns None, but if you print the path instead of returning it as a value, you'll see that it actually finds all six paths starting at 1.

If I tell the program to print the path together with the return statement, it eventually prints all such paths and hence runs much longer than needed.

How can I fix the code so that it would terminate the execution after the first suitable path is found?


  • The basic mistake is that the result of the recursive call needs to be returned, if it didn't lead to a dead end.

    In addition, G[pt] will raise an IndexError if the point pt has no neighbors. This can easily be fixed by using dict.get.

    def hamilton(G, size, pt, path=[]):
        print('hamilton called with pt={}, path={}'.format(pt, path))
        if pt not in set(path):
            if len(path)==size:
                return path
            for pt_next in G.get(pt, []):
                res_path = [i for i in path]
                candidate = hamilton(G, size, pt_next, res_path)
                if candidate is not None:  # skip loop or dead end
                    return candidate
            print('path {} is a dead end'.format(path))
            print('pt {} already in path {}'.format(pt, path))
        # loop or dead end, None is implicitly returned


    >>> G = {1:[2,3,4], 2:[1,3,4], 3:[1,2,4], 4:[1,2,3]}
    >>> hamilton(G, 4, 1)
    hamilton called with pt=1, path=[]
    hamilton called with pt=2, path=[1]
    hamilton called with pt=1, path=[1, 2]
    pt 1 already in path [1, 2]
    hamilton called with pt=3, path=[1, 2]
    hamilton called with pt=1, path=[1, 2, 3]
    pt 1 already in path [1, 2, 3]
    hamilton called with pt=2, path=[1, 2, 3]
    pt 2 already in path [1, 2, 3]
    hamilton called with pt=4, path=[1, 2, 3]
    [1, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> G = {1:[2], 2:[3,4], 4:[3]}
    >>> hamilton(G, 4, 1)
    hamilton called with pt=1, path=[]
    hamilton called with pt=2, path=[1]
    hamilton called with pt=3, path=[1, 2]
    path [1, 2, 3] is a dead end
    hamilton called with pt=4, path=[1, 2]
    hamilton called with pt=3, path=[1, 2, 4]
    [1, 2, 4, 3]
    >>> G = {1:[2], 2:[3,4], 4:[3]}
    >>> hamilton(G, 4, 2)
    hamilton called with pt=2, path=[]
    hamilton called with pt=3, path=[2]
    path [2, 3] is a dead end
    hamilton called with pt=4, path=[2]
    hamilton called with pt=3, path=[2, 4]
    path [2, 4, 3] is a dead end
    path [2, 4] is a dead end
    path [2] is a dead end

    Note that using the function more than once can lead to wrong results because of the "mutable default argument" problem. But that's not the scope of this answer.