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Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 31489 Tess-two

I have this error with this code

  public MyTessOCR(Context context)
    this.context = context ;

    //initialize Tesseract API
    String language = "eng";
    datapath = this.context.getFilesDir()+ "/tesseract/";
    mTess = new TessBaseAPI();

    checkFile(new File(datapath + "tessdata/"));

    mTess.init(datapath, language); // it crashes here 



I have tried to change the eng.traineddata but still ??

The weird thing is that when I create a new project and I run exactly the same code, it works. The project where it doesn't work is a bit old (2 years old). Maybe there is an update to do ?

and it fails exactly here :

       boolean success = nativeInitOem(datapath, language, ocrEngineMode); //ocrEngineMode = 3 


  • Finally the problem was with eng.traineddata. I was still using the old one why my function doesn't copy it if there is one in the folder. And the old one was still in the folder.