Basically, I have solved the heat equation for (x,y,t) and I want to show the variation of the temperature function with time.The program was written in Fortran 90 and the solution data was stored in a file diffeqn3D_file.txt.
This is the program:
Program diffeqn3D
Implicit none
Integer:: b,c,d,l,i,j,k,x,y,t
Real:: a,r,s,h,t1,k1,u,v,tt,p
Real,Dimension(0:500,0:500,0:500):: f1 !f=f(x,t)
!t1=time step and h=position step along x and
!k=position step along y and a=conductivity
open(7, file='diffeqn3D_file.txt', status='unknown')
!The temperature is TT at x=0 and 0 at x=l.
!The rod is heated along the line x=0.
!Initial conditions to be changed as per problem..
Do x=0,b
Do y=0,c
Do t=0,d
If(x==0) Then
Else If(( Then
End If
End Do
End Do
End Do
print *,f1(9,7,5)
print *,r
print *,a,h,t1,h**2,a*t1,(h**2)/(a*t1)
print *,f1(0,1,1)
print *,f1(3,1,1)
Do t=1,d
Do y=1,c-1
Do x=1,b-1
!print *,f1(x,t),b
End Do
End Do
End Do
Do i=0,d
Do k=0,b
Do j=0,c
write(7,*) u,v,f1(k,j,i)
End Do
End Do
write(7,*) " "
write(7,*) " "
End Do
End Program diffeqn3D
And after compilation and run, I enter the following code in gnuplot but it does not run, rather it hangs up or creates a gif picture, not animation.
set terminal gif animate delay 1
set output 'diffeqn3D.gif'
stats 'diffeqn3D_file.txt' nooutput
do for [i=1:int(STATS_blocks)] {
splot 'diffeqn3D_file.txt'
Sometimes it also puts up a warning message, citing no z-values for autoscale range.
What is wrong with my code and how should I proceed?
First, try to add some print
commands for "debug" information:
set terminal gif animate delay 1
set output 'diffeqn3D.gif'
stats 'diffeqn3D_file.txt' nooutput
print int(STATS_blocks)
do for [i=1:int(STATS_blocks)] {
print i
splot 'diffeqn3D_file.txt'
Second, what happens?
The splot
command does not have an index specifier, try to use:
splot 'diffeqn3D_file.txt' index i
Without the index i
gnuplots always plots the whole file which has two consequences:
Now gnuplot runs much faster and we will fix the autoscale error. Again, there are two points:
The index
specifies a data set within the data file. The stats
command counts those sets which "are separated by pairs of blank records" (from gnuplot documentation). Your data file ends with a pair of blank records - this starts a new data set in gnuplot. But this data set is empty which finally leads to the error. There are only STATS_blocks-1
data sets.
The index
is zero based. The loop should start with 0 and end at STATS_blocks-2.
So we arrive at this plot command:
do for [i=0:int(STATS_blocks)-2] {
print i
splot 'diffeqn3D_file.txt' index i