I am trying to add some methods to the gotk3/glib Go repository, but I am having troubles converting the method g_settings_set_strv
to Go; the C signature is this:
g_settings_set_strv (GSettings *settings,
const gchar *key,
const gchar *const *value);
And this is what I have in Go (adapted copy paste, I am not a C guy, only Java, Python, etc.):
// SetStrv is a wrapper around g_settings_set_strv().
func (v *Settings) SetStrv(name string, values []string) bool {
cstr1 := (*C.gchar)(C.CString(name))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr1))
cvalues := C.make_strings(C.int(len(values) + 1))
defer C.destroy_strings(cvalues)
for i, accel := range values {
cstr := C.CString(accel)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
C.set_string(cvalues, C.int(i), (*C.gchar)(cstr))
C.set_string(cvalues, C.int(len(values)), nil)
return gobool(C.g_settings_set_strv(v.native(), cstr1, cvalues))
But build fails with this message:
./settings.go:246: cannot use (*C.gchar)(cstr) (type *C.gchar) as type *C.char in argument to func literal
./settings.go:249: cannot use cvalues (type **C.char) as type **C.gchar in argument to func literal
I am stuck in this...
This code works and does what is supposed to:
// SetStrv is a wrapper around g_settings_set_strv().
func (v *Settings) SetStrv(name string, values []string) bool {
cstr1 := (*C.gchar)(C.CString(name))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr1))
// cvalues := C.make_strings(C.int(len(values) + 1))
cvalues := make([]*C.gchar, len(values))
for i, accel := range values {
cvalues[i] = (*C.gchar)(C.CString(accel))
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cvalues[i]))
cvalues = append(cvalues, nil)
// C.set_string(cvalues, C.int(len(values)), nil)
return gobool(C.g_settings_set_strv(v.native(), cstr1, &cvalues[0]))
Thanks to tommyshem from github for his help (commit fix).