I'm looking to validate the response body dynamically. I have an endpoint which, depending on the user permissions, returns different bodies. For example:
user: a
"one": "a",
"two": "b"
user: b
"one": "a",
"three": "c"
I know that I can use jsonPath
to validate if one json field exists or not in this way:
However, I want to make it configurable, using a feeder or something like:
// iterate a list of Strings with the json field names
I finally found out a way to deal with this requirement.
First of all, you need to define a list of checks:
val jsonPathChecks: List[HttpCheck] = List(jsonPath("one").exists, jsonPath("two").exists, jsonPath("three").exists)
And then use it:
.check(jsonPathChecks: _*)
The _* operator is in charge of making the magic happens.