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JMESPath - how to prune a tree

I have a JSON data structure (actually, YAML) and want to reformat the stucture, but can't figure out how to get this to work correctly. This will be used within a jinja2 template in Ansible. The tool I have tried to use is the json_query filter, which uses JMESPath.


"users": {
  "Administrators": [
    "user2": {
       "ssh_keys": "...."
  "Users": [

I would like to reform this JSON into this (stripping the ssh_key part in the process)

"Administrators": [
"Users": [

How can I do that in jinja2? I have found the json_query filter that seems like the right tool for the job, but haven't found a query that accomplishes what I am looking for.


  • Firstlly i would recommand reformatting the json if you can. A good format would make this extremely easy, for instance:

    "users": {
      "Administrators": [
        {"name": "user1, "ssh_keys": None},
        {"name": "user2, "ssh_keys": "...."},
        {"name": "user3, "ssh_keys": None},
      "Users": [

    If your unable to do so, try this (this refers to the Administrators but applies for whatever):

     - set_fact:
          admins: "{{ (users | json_query(item) | default([])) | union(admins | default([])) }}"
          - "Administrators[?type(@) == 'object'][keys(@)][][]"
          - "Administrators[?type(@)=='string']"

    This would create a admins array with only usernames from your users json. Than you can set another fact that contains admins and users