I have 2 models Website and Ad_tag
website has_many ad_tags
ad_tag belongs_to website
in my ad_tag I have bool field called 'attached'
I need to create simple_form_for multiple select where if attached is true - line will be select, but I can't. help me, please
my tries:
= simple_form_for @website, method: :put do |f|
= f.input :ad_tag_ids, collection: @website.ad_tags.google.map { |a| [a.name, a.attached ? a.id : nil] }, as: :select, input_html: { multiple: true, size: 30 }
= f.button :submit, class: 'btn-primary'
But this method can't set ids for unattached records.
I did it with rails form helpers. (Also I needed to group them into categories.
= f.select :ad_tag_ids, grouped_options_for_select(@website.ad_tags.google.map { |a| [a.name, a.google_meta['status'], a.id, { selected: a.attached }]}.group_by(&:second).sort), { prompt: 'Please select'}, { multiple: true, size: 30, class: 'form-control select optional' }