Is it possible to add sections to my existing list? Or can I somehow hardcode it? So that row 3 and 4 is separated by a section, and row 9 and 10 is separated by a section and so on
I tried to add sections, but that was not very successful:
List File:
import Foundation
class ListItem {
var section = ""
var listItem = ""
var description = ""
var extraInfo = ""
var counter: Int = 0
init(section: String, listItem: String, description: String, ekstraInfo: String) {
self.section = section
self.listItem = listItem
self. description = description
self.ekstraInfo = ekstraInfo
View Controller:
let staticList: [ListItem] =
ListItem(section: "Section 1", listItem: "Bananas", description: "Yellow", ekstraInfo: "Bent"),
ListItem(section: "Section 2", listItem: "Apples", description: "Red", ekstraInfo: "Round"),
ListItem(section: "Section 3", listItem: "Strawberries", description: "Red", ekstraInfo: ""),
ListItem(section: "Section 4", listItem: "Carrots", description: "Orange", ekstraInfo: ""),
ListItem(section: "Section 5", listItem: "Lime", description: "Green", ekstraInfo: "Round"),
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String?
if (tableView == MainTableView)
return staticList[section].section
return nil
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell: UITableViewCell
cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "MenuCell", for: indexPath)
if let customCell = cell as? MenuCell
let itemIndex = indexPath.row
let listItem = staticList[itemIndex]
customCell.itemLabel.text = listItem.listItem
customCell.descriptionLabel.text = listItem.description
customCell.exstraInfoLabel.text = listItem.exstraInfo
customCell.counterLabel.text = "\(listItem.counter)"
customCell.delegate = self
return cell
I'll share an example with some hardcoded sections. This should help you understand how it works.
let numberOfRows = [2, 3, 1, 4, 5]
Here we have an array of Integers that indicates the number of rows. Basically 5 sections with 2, 3...5 rows in each section respectively
Add the following to your UITableViewDataSource
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return numberOfRows.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return numberOfRows[section]
This should give you a UITableView
with 5 sections having 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 rows in each section respectively.
Play around with numberOfRows
to get more sections, more rows, etc.
The reason each section loads the same cells is because staticList
is a single dimensional array. Hence in each sections the same rows keep getting fetched as indexPath.row
starts from 0 for each section. To fix this make the staticList
a two dimensional array. Here's how...
let staticList: [[ListItem]] = [
ListItem(section: "Section 1", listItem: "Bananas", description: "Yellow", ekstraInfo: "Bent"),
ListItem(section: "Section 1", listItem: "Apples", description: "Red", ekstraInfo: "Round")
ListItem(section: "Section 2", listItem: "Strawberries", description: "Red", ekstraInfo: "")
ListItem(section: "Section 3", listItem: "Carrots", description: "Orange", ekstraInfo: ""),
ListItem(section: "Section 3", listItem: "Lime", description: "Green", ekstraInfo: "Round")
Now staticList
has 3 sections with 2, 1, 2 ListItem
s respectively in each section.
Lastly, make a small change in cellForRowAtIndexPath function...
// let itemIndex = indexPath.row
// let listItem = staticList[itemIndex]
let listItem = staticList[indexPath.section][indexPath.row]
Btw, you can remove the section
property from ListItem
to make things cleaner. Leaving it shouldn't break anything though.