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Python Dataframe: combining/replacing multi-index columns with single index columns

I have multi-index column in my df. In my df, all the values are 1 or 0 that represent boolean. My task is to replace values with '1' with value from my another df_test dataframe. See below.

In [221]: df
first        bar                 baz
second       one       two       one       two
0            0         1         0         0
1            1         0         1         1
2            0         0         0         1
3            0         0         0         0
4            1         1         1         1

My df_test has regular columns (not multi index) and values that should go in to df.

In [222]: df_test
0            38
1            2179   
2            191     
3            4     
4            19823    

The index of two dataframe matches and my output should be:

In [223]: df
first        bar                 baz
second       one       two       one       two
0            0         38        0         0
1            2179      0         2179      2179      
2            0         0         0         191     
3            0         0         0         0
4            19823     19823     19823     19823    

Notice that my df can have no '1' value like index = 3, or all '1' value like index = 4. If there are efficient way to set my dataframe


  • To get your result, you can use broadcasted multiplication -

    v = df.values * df_test.amount.values[:, None]
    array([[    0,    38,     0,     0],
           [ 2179,     0,  2179,  2179],
           [    0,     0,     0,   191],
           [    0,     0,     0,     0],
           [19823, 19823, 19823, 19823]])

    To get back your original dataframe, just call the DataFrame constructor -

    df = pd.DataFrame(v, columns=df.columns, index=df.index)
    first     bar           baz       
    second    one    two    one    two
    0           0     38      0      0
    1        2179      0   2179   2179
    2           0      0      0    191
    3           0      0      0      0
    4       19823  19823  19823  19823

    Setup borrowed with thanks from piRSquared's answer.