I am implementing BST in ruby and writing insert method using recursion.
I am trying to use attr_accessor for setting and getting root but it doesn't work. Can anyone help out?
class Node
attr_accessor :value, :left_child, :right_child
def initialize (value)
@value = value
@left_child = nil
@right_child = nil
class BST
attr_accessor :root
def initialize
@root = nil
def insert(value, node)
if node == nil
node = Node.new(value)
return node
return node if node.value == value
if node.value > value
if node.left_child == nil
node.left_child = Node.new(value)
insert(value, node.left_child)
if node.right_child == nil
node.right_child = Node.new(value)
insert(value, node.right_child)
mybst = BST.new
p mybst.root
mybst.insert(1, mybst.root)
mybst.insert(2, mybst.root)
mybst.insert(10, mybst.root)
mybst.insert(12, mybst.root)
p mybst
The code above shows a simple implementation of Node class and a BST class with insert method. Gives me #<BST:0x00557398d02378 @root=nil>
If I use a self.root it works.
One can use @root to access the root but a class should not interact with its instance variables directly. That's why we need a getter and setter method provided by attr_accessor. But it's not working. What I am missing ?
Below are the screenshots of the book POODR. It says never to use instance variables directly even in class.
It's actually totally OK to use instance variables within instance methods. In fact, that's what they're for! Setters and getters allow things outside the instance to access variables inside the instance. They (basically) define instance methods for the class like this:
class Foo
# getter -- Same as attr_reader :root
def root
# setter -- Same as attr_writer :root
def root=(root)
@root = root
# attr_accessor defines a setter *and* a getter.
So, you could simplify your code by defining #insert
so that it only takes one argument (value
) and replace every place where you reference node
with a reference to @root
The way that I think you're looking for (but is not the "right" way, and I wouldn't recommend) is to call the root
and root=
methods defined by the accessor.
If you took this route, you'd also have to define #insert
to only take value
as an argument and replace every place that you reference node
with root
. This will work, but it's not the right way to solve the problem. If you solve it this way, please ask a question on CodeReview.se so I can clarify how you can make the code better.
In the #insert method, you're manipulating the node
parameter that was passed to the method, not root
. Ruby is pass by value not pass by reference (sorta), so when you pass mybst.root
to #insert
, you're effectively passing nil
because mybst.root == nil
. Then the mybst.insert
call returns a new Node, but you don't do anything with that return value. If you wanted to set root
to that return value, you could do:
mybst = BST.new
p mybst.root
mybst.root = mybst.insert(1, mybst.root)
mybst.root = mybst.insert(2, mybst.root)
mybst.root = mybst.insert(10, mybst.root)
mybst.root = mybst.insert(12, mybst.root)
p mybst
I think that the confusing part here is where the textbook says:
Hide the variables, even from the class that defines them
This is correct, but I think you're misinterpreting it. This section is saying that you should hide instance variables from anything outside of that instance. Within that instance, it's totally OK to use them, and that's actually the reason why instance variables exist -- to store state within the instance. It's just considered better to define methods for behaviors rather than directly exposing the instance variables. Of course, this is just one rule to keep in mind -- I'm sure you'll come across a situation where this advice does not apply, but generally you want to keep instance variables internal.