Given this (the "sleep" method is so you can see what I'm looking at):
from splinter import Browser
import time
#from import WebDriverWait
#from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver
with Browser() as browser:
# Visit URL
url = ""
browser.fill('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtCredentialNumber', 'IF0000000262422')
# Find and click the 'search' button
button = browser.find_by_name('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$btnSearch')
# Interact with elements
I want Splinter/Selenium to click on the link in the right column corresponding to the value "Professional Teaching Certification Renewal" in the column to the left (of the same row).
Here's what I've tried so far (after the code above):
tables=browser.find_by_tag('table') #Get all tables
rows=tables.find_by_tag('tr') #Get all rows in the tables
data=rows.find_by_tag('td') #Get the data(cell)s in the rows
My strategy is to locate the row with the value (data) "Professional Teaching Certification Renewal" and, for that corresponding row, click on the link in the right column. I'm not sure if there is a better strategy, but I'm certainly not married to this one if there is.
I cannot figure out (after reading the docs, of course, unless I missed something) how to examine the data object and determine what it contains. If I can do this, I might be able to figure out the rest.
Thanks in advance!
Since, from what I understand, you know the Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal
text beforehand and can use it to locate the link in the next column, we can first locate the td
by text and then proceed to the next sibling td
element grabbing the inner link:
certificate_link = browser.find_by_xpath("//td[. = 'Professional Teaching Certificate Renewal']/following-sibling::td/a")