I have below data:
And my query is below:
What I expect is to get only ID1. Because only it has a product with { "product":"car", "number":"5" } record. But what I get is both ID1 and ID2 because ID2's first record has "product":"car" and third record has "number":"5" records separately.
How can I fix this query?
You need to define your products as a nested type when creating mapping. Try with following mapping example:
PUT http://localhost:9200/indexname
"mappings": {
"typename": {
"properties": {
"products" : {
"type" : "nested"
Then you can use nested queries to match entire elements of your array - just as you need to.
"query": {
"nested": {
"path": "products",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "wildcard": { "products.product": "*car*" }},
{ "wildcard": { "products.number": "*5*" }}