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Task schedule in windows server from other computer

I am scheduling a task from with these parameters. Generates the task correctly and executes it. This works correctly in local, but I need that task to be created on the server. Any ideas?

Using tService As New TaskService()
    Dim Fecha As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(txtFDesde.Text + " " + txtHDesde.Text)
    Dim tTime As New TimeTrigger()
    Dim tDefinition As TaskDefinition = tService.NewTask
    tDefinition.RegistrationInfo.Description = "Tarea programada para ejecutar"
    tDefinition.Settings.RunOnlyIfLoggedOn = False
    tTime.StartBoundary = New DateTime(Fecha.Year, Fecha.Month, Fecha.Day, Fecha.Hour, Fecha.Minute, 0)
    Dim url As String = "http://localhost:5000/" & Param
    tDefinition.Actions.Add(New ExecAction("cmd.exe", "/c start " & url))
    tService.RootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Test " & Param, tDefinition)
End Using


  • Try the static connect'll need credentials to the server....