As it's shown in the android studio it looks perfectly fine but whenever i run the app on my cell phone it looks like this any idea ,please ?? the app on the phone and the android studio
You are using Relative Layout. First thing I noticed in your code is that you used margin buttom in Image view which is top of the screen already.So I suggest to not use Margin Buttom in that because relative layout bydefault keep that image on top .So i give you some idea to fix it.
1.)Image is on top so and its Relative layout.
android:id="@id/image" (give any id here)
android:marginleft="" ("Add ur dimensions")
2.)Next is Textview.
android:text="Name:Lovely Hamester"
So the main thing i wanna point of is this "Id".Relative Layout directly cant put views line by line like Linear Layout,We need to give command to the view to where it need to place.So thats why we use "layout_below" which instruct Text view to stay after imageview.There are different commands also.Please check that,like "layout_rightof","layout_leftof". Just give id to every view and command them in Relative layout.Your other code is perfect.Dont use Margin Bottom , because it kept space from bottom which looks perfect in the preview but every Mobile have different size so thats why its not shows perfect in your screen.