I am trying to build ARIMA model, I have 144 terms in my standardized time series, which represent residuals form original time series. This residuals, on which I would like to build ARIMA model, are obtained when I subtracted linear trend and periodical component from original time series, so residuals are stochastic component.
Because of that subtraction I modeled residuals like stationary series (d=0), so model is ARIMA(p,d,q)=ARIMA(?,0,?).
ACF and PACF functions of my residuals are not very clear as cases in literature for identification ARIMA models, and when I choose parameters p and q according to criteria that they are last values outside of confidence interval, I got values p=109, q=97. Matlab gave me error for this case:
Error using arima/estimate (line 386)
Input response series has an insufficient number of observations.
On the other side, when I am looking only to N/4 length of time series for identifying p and q parameters, I got p=36, q=34. Matlab gave me error for this case
Warning: Nonlinear inequality constraints are active; standard errors may be inaccurate.
In arima.estimate at 1113
Error using arima/validateModel (line 1306)
The non-seasonal autoregressive polynomial is unstable.
Error in arima/setLagOp (line 391) Mdl = validateModel(Mdl);
Error in arima/estimate (line 1181) Mdl = setLagOp(Mdl, 'AR' , LagOp([1 -coefficients(iAR)' ], 'Lags', [0 LagsAR ]));
How do I need to correct identify p and q parameters and what is wrong here? And wwhat does it mean in this partial autocorrelation diagram, why are last values so big?
This guide contains a lot of useful information about the correct estimation of ARIMA p
and q
As long as I can remember from my studies, since ACF
tails off after lag q - p
and PACF
tails off after lag p - q
, the correct identification of p
and q
orders is not always straightforward and even the best practices provided by the above guide could not be enough to point you to the right direction.
Usually, a failproof approach is to apply an information criteria (like AIC
or FPE
) to several models with different orders of p
and q
. The model that presents the smallest value of the criterion is the best one. Let's say your maximum q
and p
desired order is 6
an that k
is the number of observations, you could proceed as follows:
ll = zeros(6);
pq = zeros(6);
for p = 1:6
for q = 1:6
mod = arima(p,0,q);
[fit,~,fit_ll] = estimate(mod,Y,'print',false);
ll(p,q) = fit_ll;
pq(p,q) = p + q;
ll = reshape(ll,36,1);
pq = reshape(pq,36,1);
[~,bic] = aicbic(ll,pq+1,k);
bic = reshape(bic,6,6);
Once this is done, use the indices returned by the min
function in order to find the optimal q
and p
On a side note, for what concerns your errors... well, the first one is pretty straightforward and is self-explanatory. The second one basically means that a correct model estimation is not possible.