Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to query all **User Created callbacks
in Maya?,
And in the same way, if I can query what objects or nodes are connected to them. I want to manage better the cleanliness in the memory at every time and not let any callback lost in memory.**
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
class MayaSignals(object):
def __init__(self):
self.callback_list = []
def setCallback(self, node):
sel = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
obj = OpenMaya.MObject()
sel.getDependNode(0, obj)
idx = OpenMaya.MNodeMessage.addAttributeChangedCallback(obj, self.reading_node)
def removeAllCallback(self):
for idx,itm in enumerate(self.callback_list):
print(idx, 'removed')
def reading_node(self, msg, plug, otherplug, *clientData):
if msg & OpenMaya.MNodeMessage.kAttributeSet:
print ('Attribute Changed On: %s' % plug.name())
if msg & OpenMaya.MNodeMessage.kConnectionMade:
print('Connection Created On: %s' % plug.name())
if msg & maya.OpenMaya.MNodeMessage.kConnectionBroken:
print ("Broken Connection On: %s" % plug.name())
node = cmds.ls(sl=True)[0] #< ------ Node string type
#signal = MayaSignals() # class to manage the callbacks
signal # # # # to keep the instance alive
signal.removeAllCallback() # remove all into the array
# ---------------------------------------------`-`---------------------------------------------- #
Here, I created an example where I tag an object to a callback, and print something when some conditions happen, also. add to array every callback ID to delete it later.
I just need a light, even if is in C++ I could check on the docs about the recommendations here.
There's no way of doing what you want. The closest you can come is to use MMessage::nodeCallbacks to retrieve the callback ids registered against a specific node.