I performed Poky build fetching the latest master branch from git
git clone -b rocko git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky.git
Set up the Environment using the following command
source poky/oe-init-build-env
Then executed bitbake command
bitbake core-image-full-cmdline
Bitbake did generate root file system, kernel image .. I was looking at the log files of the bitbake in build/tmp/log/cooker/qemux86 folder
There are two files with the same content:
- console-latest.log
- 20171224045428.log
Why we have two logs of the same content
console-latest.log is a symlink that points to the latest real console file 20171224045428.log. It allows to keep previous console logs and have an easy single way to access the latest console log.
In Yocto, a lot of log files work this way, see manual log section.