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Linking unistd.h when using CC compiler (Solaris)

I need to link <unistd.h> in my program using CC compiler on Solaris. When I needed to link <math.h> or <curses.h> I just used Google to find -lm and -lcurses flags but this time Google didn't help. How to find out in which lib*something* is <unistd.h> located?


  • For any given function, the man page tells you both what headers to include and what libraries to link.

    For example, the ceil function:


    c99 [ flag... ] file... -lm [ library... ]
    #include <math.h>
    double ceil(double x);
    float ceilf(float x);
    long double ceill(long double x);

    It tells you to #include <math.h> and to link with -lm.

    Most functions declared in <unistd.h> don't require any additional libraries to link in, but when in doubt check the man pages.