Search code examples

monitoring plugin check_http cert expiration check

[root@chi plugins]# '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http' '-C' '15,30' '-I' '99.830.700.184' '-S' '-p' '443'

SSL OK - Certificate 'localhost' will expire on 2018-12-14 02:20 +0000/UTC. HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found - 226 bytes in 0.156 second response time |time=0.155850s;;;0.000000 size=226B;;;0

I need to suppress The HTTP 404 warning. If there's another plugin that can do this, I'd like to know about it. (I can't change anything on the webserver.)


  • You can use the same plugin, but add -e 404, so it will look like:

    [root@chi plugins]# '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http' '-C' '15,30' '-I' '99.830.700.184' '-S' '-p' '443' '-e' '404'

    The -e 404 flag suppress 404 error code.