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Receiving "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context" as an error in a HealthKit HKStatisticsQuery

I'm working on an app in Swift 4.0 that uses Apple's HealthKit. I have the app working getting the user's steps from HealthKit. Here is my working code:

//sampleType declaration
    let sampleType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.stepCount)

    //define the predicate from the passed start and end times
    let queryPredicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamples(withStart: startDate, end: endDate, options: .strictStartDate)

    //build the query
    let cumulativeSumQuery = HKStatisticsQuery(quantityType: sampleType!, quantitySamplePredicate: queryPredicate, options: .cumulativeSum, completionHandler: { (cumulativeSumQuery, results, error ) in

        //PROCESS THE DATA//


    //execute the query

The problem is that it takes data from multiple sources. So I want to add .separateBySource as an option in my HKStatistics. Based on this question and the Apple documentation, the following code should work by simply adding | .separateBySource to my options:

//sampleType declaration
    let sampleType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.stepCount)

    //define the predicate from the passed start and end times
    let queryPredicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamples(withStart: startDate, end: endDate, options: .strictStartDate)

    //build the query
    let cumulativeSumQuery = HKStatisticsQuery(quantityType: sampleType!, quantitySamplePredicate: queryPredicate, options: .cumulativeSum | .separateBySource, completionHandler: { (cumulativeSumQuery, results, error ) in

        //PROCESS THE DATA//


    //execute the query

But instead, I get the error Type of expression is ambiguous without more context. Xcode red underlines the | character in between my two options.


  • For swift 4.0 Replace:

    let cumulativeSumQuery = HKStatisticsQuery(quantityType: sampleType!, quantitySamplePredicate: queryPredicate, options: .cumulativeSum | .separateBySource, completionHandler: { (cumulativeSumQuery, results, error ) in
        //PROCESS THE DATA//


    //build the query
    let cumulativeSumQuery = HKStatisticsQuery(quantityType: sampleType!, quantitySamplePredicate: queryPredicate, options: HKStatisticsOptions(rawValue: HKStatisticsOptions.RawValue(UInt8(HKStatisticsOptions.cumulativeSum.rawValue) | UInt8(HKStatisticsOptions.separateBySource.rawValue))), completionHandler: { (cumulativeSumQuery, results, error ) in
        //PROCESS THE DATA//

    For more info check this declaration:

     @enum          HKStatisticsOptions
     @abstract      Options for specifying which statistics to calculate
     @discussion    When querying for HKStatistics objects, an options bitmask will specify which statistics will be 
                    Statistics are classified as discrete or cumulative.  If a discrete statistics option is specified for a
                    cumulative HKQuantityType, an exception will be thrown.  If a cumulative statistics options is specified
                    for a discrete HKQuantityType, an exception will also be thrown.
     @constant      HKStatisticsOptionNone
     @constant      HKStatisticsOptionSeparateBySource
     @constant      HKStatisticsOptionDiscreteAverage   Calculate averageQuantity when creating statistics.
     @constant      HKStatisticsOptionDiscreteMin       Calculate minQuantity when creating statistics.
     @constant      HKStatisticsOptionDiscreteMax       Calculate maxQuantity when creating statistics.
     @constant      HKStatisticsOptionCumulativeSum     Calculate sumQuantity when creating statistics.
    @available(iOS 8.0, *)
    public struct HKStatisticsOptions : OptionSet {
        public init(rawValue: UInt)
        public static var separateBySource: HKStatisticsOptions { get }
        public static var discreteAverage: HKStatisticsOptions { get }
        public static var discreteMin: HKStatisticsOptions { get }
        public static var discreteMax: HKStatisticsOptions { get }
        public static var cumulativeSum: HKStatisticsOptions { get }