I'm trying to use pylupdate to create translation files.
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQT5.QtCore import QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP
_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
qt_translator = QtCore.QTranslator(app)
list_translate = [
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("test", "fake"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("test", "thing"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("test", "something")
for item in list_translate:
_translate("test", item, "1")
_translate("test", "other thing")
And from this I found QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP. But I'm unable to figure out how to have pylupdate keep use the disambiguation comment. Every time I run it, it marks the one I have in my file as obsolete and makes a new entry. Is there a way to specify the comment in the literal as well?
.ts to start:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="2.0">
<location filename="test.py" line="17"/>
<source>other thing</source>
<location filename="test.py" line="11"/>
<location filename="test.py" line="12"/>
<location filename="test.py" line="13"/>
<translation>still something</translation>
.ts file after running
pylupdate5 -verbose test.py -ts translate/test.ts
notice line 14:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="2.0">
<location filename="test.py" line="17"/>
<source>other thing</source>
<location filename="test.py" line="11"/>
**<translation type="obsolete">slate</translation>**
<location filename="test.py" line="12"/>
<location filename="test.py" line="13"/>
<translation>still something</translation>
<location filename="test.py" line="11"/>
<translation type="unfinished">slate</translation>
Both PyQt4 and PyQt5 are missing QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP3, which provides a third argument which takes a comment. This is obviously a bug (which should be reported on the pyqt mailing list), but it is easy enough to work around. Fortunately, pylupdate
will correctly parse a three-argument QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP
even though PyQt doesn't provide the actual function itself.
Below is a working demo. The .ts file needs to be compiled first using:
lrelease-qt5 test.ts -qm test.qm
test.py file:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QTranslator
_translate = QCoreApplication.translate
def QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(context, source, comment=None):
return source
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QCoreApplication(sys.argv)
translator = QTranslator(app)
strings = [
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('test', 'object', 'thing'),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('test', 'object', 'purpose'),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP('test', 'object', 'disagree')
print('object/thing:', _translate('test', strings[0], 'thing'))
print('object/purpose:', _translate('test', strings[1], 'purpose'))
print('object/disagree:', _translate('test', strings[2], 'disagree'))
test.ts file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="2.0" language="fr_FR" sourcelanguage="en_GB">
<location filename="test.py" line="16"/>
<location filename="test.py" line="17"/>
<location filename="test.py" line="18"/>