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Update data in a Tkinter-GUI with data from a second Thread

The question is if my solution is a save and pythonic way to update a Tkinter-GUI with data from another thread? Are Locks required? Or how could a Queue help here? This example is working fine but the original application has much more complex data to deal with.

Please focus on AsyncioThread.create_dummy_data() in the minimal working example. The example has two threads. One run the Tkinter-mainloop and the second thread run a asyncio-loop. The asyncio-loop simulates getting some data and refreshing some tkinter.Label with this data.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# restrict to Python3.5 or higher because of asyncio syntax

# based on <>

from tkinter import *
import asyncio
import threading
import random

class AsyncioThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, asyncio_loop, theWindow):
        self.asyncio_loop = asyncio_loop
        self.theWindow = theWindow
        self.maxData = len(theWindow.varData)

    def run(self):

    async def do_data(self):
        """ Creating and starting 'maxData' asyncio-tasks. """
        tasks = [
            for number in range(self.maxData)
        completed, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks)
        results = [task.result() for task in completed]

    async def create_dummy_data(self, number):
        """ One task. """
        sec = random.randint(1, 3)
        data = '{}:{}'.format(number, random.random())
        await asyncio.sleep(sec)

        # IS THIS SAVE?
        print('Thread-ID: {}\tsec: {}\n\t{}' \
               .format(threading.get_ident(), sec, data))

        return data

class TheWindow:
    def __init__(self, maxData):
        # asyncio loop will run in an extra Thread
        self.asyncio_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        # the GUI main object
        self.root = Tk()

        # create the data variable
        self.varData = []
        for i in range(maxData):

        # Button to start the asyncio tasks
               text='Start Asyncio Tasks',
        # Frames to display data from the asyncio tasks
        for i in range(maxData):
            Label(master=self.root, textvariable=self.varData[i]).pack()
        # Button to check if the GUI is freezed

    def do_freezed(self):
        """ Button-Event-Handler to see if a button on GUI works.
            The GOAL of this example is to make this button clickable
            while the other thread/asyncio-tasks are working. """
        print('Tkinter is reacting. Thread-ID: {}'

    def do_asyncio(self):
        """ Button-Event-Handler starting the asyncio part in a separate thread. """
        thread = AsyncioThread(self.asyncio_loop, self)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    window = TheWindow(5)

The real application

This example is simplified. The real application is downloading (with feedparser) hundreds of xml-files (Newsfeeds) from just as many different websites. The results are displayed in a Tkinter.Treeview where each xml-file has one entry in the TreeView. e. g. the count of entries in the xml-files is shown in the entries of the TreeView (e. g. "Time Magazine (12 entries)"). This should be done everytime one download of an xml-file has finished and not after all xml-file downloads are finished.


  • This solution is based on comments from other person. It use queue.Queue to share data between the two threads. The Tkinter GUI/Thread use a 1-second-timer to check if new data is in the Queue and use it to refresh its Labels.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # based on <>
    from tkinter import *
    import asyncio
    import threading
    import random
    import queue
    class AsyncioThread(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self, the_queue, max_data):
            self.asyncio_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
            self.the_queue = the_queue
            self.max_data = max_data
        def run(self):
        async def do_data(self):
            """ Creating and starting 'maxData' asyncio-tasks. """
            tasks = [
                for key in range(self.max_data)
            await asyncio.wait(tasks)
        async def create_dummy_data(self, key):
            """ Create data and store it in the queue. """
            sec = random.randint(1, 10)
            data = '{}:{}'.format(key, random.random())
            await asyncio.sleep(sec)
            self.the_queue.put((key, data))
    class TheWindow:
        def __init__(self, max_data):
            # thread-safe data storage
            self.the_queue = queue.Queue()
            # the GUI main object
            self.root = Tk()
            # create the data variable
   = []
            for key in range(max_data):
            # Button to start the asyncio tasks
                   text='Start Asyncio Tasks',
                   command=lambda: self.do_asyncio()).pack()
            # Frames to display data from the asyncio tasks
            for key in range(max_data):
            # Button to check if the GUI is freezed
        def refresh_data(self):
            # do nothing if the aysyncio thread is dead
            # and no more data in the queue
            if not self.thread.is_alive() and self.the_queue.empty():
            # refresh the GUI with new data from the queue
            while not self.the_queue.empty():
                key, data = self.the_queue.get()
            #  timer to refresh the gui with data from the asyncio thread
            self.root.after(1000, self.refresh_data)  # called only once!
        def do_freezed(self):
            """ Button-Event-Handler to see if a button on GUI works.
                The GOAL of this example is to make this button clickable
                while the other thread/asyncio-tasks are working. """
            print('Tkinter is reacting. Thread-ID: {}'
        def do_asyncio(self):
                Button-Event-Handler starting the asyncio part in a separate
            # create Thread object
            self.thread = AsyncioThread(self.the_queue, len(
            #  timer to refresh the gui with data from the asyncio thread
            self.root.after(1000, self.refresh_data)  # called only once!
            # start the thread
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        window = TheWindow(10)

    This example is based on Not sure if this is an elegant solution. Please feel free to edit this. It is my goal to make my question and the answer reusable by others.