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Diffie-Hellman crack with partial info known

This is school work.

I'm given the problem of finding the private keys of both parties in a DH exchange. The numbers involved in the tests aren't big enough and the task is basically brute-force. In the task, I can get the prime p, generator g and Alice's public key A. I'm also given the methods to encrypt a message and decrypt a message with a custom key.

Right now I've only gotten a by simply looping through integers i=1...p and checking if g^i mod p == g^A mod p and promptly returning the first value that meets the requirement.

However, my solution isn't always true according to automated tests. Anyone know how or even if it's possible to fins a and b with the given info?


  • Thanks to a third party, I managed to crack the DH code:

    public Integer crackAlice() {
            // TODO
            Integer alicePrivate = 0;
            int p = session.getP();
            int g = session.getG();
            int A = session.getAlicesPublicKey();
            // A = g^a mod p
            System.out.println("Alice public A: "+A);
            String message = String.valueOf(156215);
            for (int i = 1; i < p; i++) {
                if (BigInteger.valueOf(g).pow(i).mod(BigInteger.valueOf(p)).equals(BigInteger.valueOf(A))) {
                    alicePrivate = i;
                    System.out.println("Potential Alice private a: "+i);
            return alicePrivate;


    public Integer crackBob() {
            // TODO
            Integer bobPrivate = 0;
            Integer a = crackAlice();
            int p = session.getP();
            int g = session.getG();
            int A = session.getAlicesPublicKey();
            String mainMessage = "teade";
            String msg = null;
            try {
                msg = session.getEncrypted(mainMessage);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            for (int i = 1; i < p; i++) {
                int ai = a*i;
                int Ai = A*i;
                //System.out.println("a*b = "+ai);
                BigInteger bigintP = BigInteger.valueOf(p);
                if (((BigInteger.valueOf(g).pow(a).mod(bigintP)).pow(i)).mod(bigintP)
                        .equals(((BigInteger.valueOf(g).pow(i).mod(bigintP)).pow(a)).mod(bigintP))) {
                    String decrypt = null;
                    try {
                        decrypt = session.getDecryptedWithCustomKey(msg, BigInteger.valueOf(g).pow(a*i).mod(bigintP).intValue());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (decrypt != null && decrypt.trim().equals(mainMessage)) {
                        bobPrivate = i;
            return bobPrivate;

    I hope this will help out other with a similar problem.