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Azure Machine Learning execute R script - Could not find function "rowid" error

I am trying to run R script in Azure ML studio that transposes/reshapes the dataframe from long to wide format (example). My script runs very fine in Rstudio. But the same does not run in Azure ML studio and throws the following error - could not find function "rowid". It would be great to know how can I get rid of this and what exactly is causing this error despite it being good enough to run neatly in Rstudio.

#Error: Error 0063: The following error occurred during evaluation of R script:
# ---------- Start of error message from R ----------
      could not find function "rowid"
# ----------- End of error message from R -----------

I've tried the code in both R versions CRAN R 3.1.0 & Microsoft R open 3.2.2. Thank you very much in advance.


  • Hi I had the same problem 2 days ago with the function pull(), always of the package dplyr. The problem is that the both version of R (CRAN R 3.1.0 and Microsoft R open 3.2.2) supported by Azure Machine Learning Studio, does not support the version 0.7.4 of package dplyr. If you read the documentation related to the package dplyr you can see that the package is installable only for R versions >= 3.1.2.

    Then you must wait for the R version used by Azure Machine Learning Studio be updated, or find an alternative solution to your function.