So, here I have written a script that adds students to the courses (Google Classroom API).
students = getStudents('Year10', '10A') # VAR
for student in students:
newStudent = {
# Student Identifier
'userId': student
batch1_1.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_1.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_1.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_1.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_1.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_2.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_2.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_2.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_2.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_2.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_3.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_3.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_3.add(, body=newStudent))
batch1_3.add(, body=newStudent))
It does work, however, sometimes individual requests return:
"HttpError 500 when requesting[COURSE ID]/students?alt=json returned "Internal Error""
And for these individual requests, I'd like to write the code so that it retries the individual failed request when receiving a 5xx error. I am unsure how to implement this though.
At the moment, I'm having to re-run the whole script if even just 1 student hasn't made it to the course, which of course, is a waste of resources.
When you create a batch, you can provide a callback function that will be called for each of the requests you add to the batch.
The callback takes three parameters:
Below you have some pseudo-code to explain the logic.
# sample callback function
def my_batch_callback(request_id, response, exception):
if exception is not None:
# Do something with the exception
# Do something with the response
print("Request is successful: {}".format(response))
# creation of batch passing in the call back
batch = service.new_batch_http_request(callback=my_batch_callback)
# addition to batch with a specific id
batch.add(service.object().insert(name="test-1", request_id="id-1"))
batch.add(service.object().insert(name="test-2", request_id="id-2"))
batch.add(service.object().insert(name="test-3", request_id="id-3"))
Using the callback you can save all the erroneous requests using their id and retry them again in a second moment. There are different ways to do this: you can use a simple list and check it after you run the batch or you can create a dedicated class and take advance of the persistence that it offers.
I suggest you to also have a look at the official documentation here.