I need to create a new instance of a lexer
tied to the standard input stream.
However, when I type in
val lexer = makeLexer( fn n => inputLine( stdIn ) );
I get an error that I don't understand:
stdIn:1.5-11.13 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: int -> string
operand: int -> string option
in expression:
is a function name present in my source code)
inputLine returns a string option
, and my guess is a string
is expected.
What you want to do is either have makeLexer
take a string option
, like so:
fun makeLexer NONE = <whatever you want to do when stream is empty>
| makeLexer (SOME s) = <the normal body makeLexer, working on the string s>
or change your line to:
val lexer = makeLexer( fn n => valOf ( inputLine( stdIn ) ) );
valOf takes an option type and unpacks it.
Note that, since inputLine
returns NONE
when the stream is empty, it's probably a better idea to use the first approach, rather than the second.