I want to color a cell in a QTableView
So I'm trying to change the itemData
of the corresponding item in the associated QTableModel
To do so, I use the setItemData
method of the QAbstractTableModel
In the documentation :
QAbstractItemModel::setItemData(const QModelIndex & index, const QMap < int, QVariant > & roles)
This is my piece of code :
color = QtGui.QColor(Qt.red)
I thought this would color the third cell of the model (horizontally and vertically) in red.
But the application answers :
TypeError: QAbstractItemModel.setItemData(QModelIndex, dict-of-int-QVariant): argument 2 has unexpected type 'QColor'
If I try to transform the Qcolor
type in a Qvariant
color = Qt.QVariant(QtGui.QColor(Qt.red))
Answer :
TypeError: PyQt4.QtCore.QVariant represents a mapped type and cannot be instantiated
Which I really can't understand.
So there is my question : which type of data must I put in the second parameter of a setItemData
Thanks for advance
You should use QAbstractItemModel::setData
to set a single value in the itemData map.
You can use QAbstractItemModel::setItemData
if you want to set many values at once, but have to build a QMap
where each couple is composed by a role and its corresponding value:
QMap<int, QVariant> map;
map.insert(Qt::BackgroundRole, color);
self.model.setItemData(self.model.index(3,3), map);