In my project there is drop-down of time zones(PT,CST etc), when Admin changes the timezone from drop-down the admin panel reflects the timezone from the selected drop down.
How to change Config/app.php "timezone"( Application Timezone) according to the selected option.
You can use Laravel helper function config
to set timezone. However, this will affects only the request you will receive.
config(['app.timezone' => $timezone]);
If your goal is to change once the timezone and run on every request then what about saving the changed timezone in DB or in a file. Then, write a query for DB or read a file in app/config.php and change the value of index timezone in a file.
For example (file example):
When you changed the timezone it saves in a file.
file_put_contents("path/to/file", $timezone);
And, in app/config.php
$timezone= file_get_contents("path/to/file");
return [
. . .
'timezone' => $timezone,
. . .