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Geofence alert and remote feature

I have 2 concerns.

1. How can I configure geofence alert in WsO2iot3.1.0-Updte7? I did it in Update1 but according to documentation online: Monitoring Devices Using Location Based Services
<GeoLocationConfiguration> bloc is missing in cdm-config.xml file of Update7.

This is missing geofence settings in cdm-config.xml file

This is missing geofence settings in cdm-config.xml file

When I run the script mvn clean install -f siddhi-geo-extention-deployer.xml, and deploy Geo Analytics artifacts in devicemgt, nothing is displayed about geofence alerte (exit, enter, stationnary, speed) as in Update1.

nothing is displayed about geofence alerte (exit, enter, stationnary, speed)

nothing is displayed about geofence alerte (exit, enter, stationnary, speed)

2. New remote feature in devicemgt. We really appreciate but when we clic on active/connected device, it just in waiting device to connect status. Nothing is prompted.

Wainting on device to connect even when the device is active.

Wainting on device to connect even when the device is active

Remote session is enabled in cdm-config.xml file.

Remote session is enabled in cdm-config.xml file


  • 1. How can I configure geofence alert in WsO2iot3.1.0-Updte7? From IoTS-3.1.0-Update 5 onward <GeoLocationConfiguration> configuration has been changed as <OperationAnalyticsConfiguration>. Please refer IoTS 3.2.0 Documentation for more details.

    2. New remote feature in devicemgt. This feature is only work with COPE type enrollments. You might need to enroll your device as COPE device, by installing vendor signed system service. Please refer Integrating the Android System Service Application documentation for more details about integrating the system service.