in the controller i have :
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($mdlPost->getPosts($this->moduleData->accordion, 'name ASC'));
if(isset($params['cities'])) {
$this->view->posts = $paginator;
in the view's i have some thing like this :
if ($this->posts != null) {?>
<div id="cities_accord" class="news">
<?php echo $this->partialLoop('partials/post-min.phtml', $this->posts); ?>
<?php echo $this->paginationControl($this->posts,
the partial/post-min.phtml
$color = array(1=>'spring',2=>'summer',3=>'autumn',4=>'winter');
<div id='<?php echo $color[$this->partialCounter] ?>' class="accordion_post">
$link = Digitalus_Uri::get(false, false, array('openCity' =>
<h1 class="accordion_post_title"><?php echo $this->title ?></h1>
<p><?php echo $this->teaser ?> <a href="<?php echo $link;?>"><i>read more</i></a></p>
the pagination_cont.phtml taken from this link zend ( ) will show links that will pass params to the controller to fetch the corresponding whole page which is working alright for now
but i want to change this so that i will be able ajaxify the returned ( i.e. only a single paginated value rather than reloading the whole page ) results how can i do that using jquery and what should i change ..
** EDIT: it would be nice to have a fail-save ,if possible, for browsers(users) that disabled javascript to see the same thing by reloading the page (i.e. keeping the current status for if(javascript_not_enabled ))**
GOT IT and big Thanks to @Phil Brown :
in the controller int() change the response type to json
class NewsController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
$contextSwitch = $this->_helper->getHelper('contextSwitch');
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('list', 'JSON')
// ...
public listAtcion() {
// .............
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($mdlPost->getPosts($this->moduleData->accordion, 'name ASC'));
if(isset($params['cities'])) {
$post = array();
foreach($paginator as $post ) {
$post[] = $post;
$this->view->post = $paginator;
#TODO //add a check here for non-ajax requests (#improvment)
$this->view->posts = $paginator;
in one of the views (most probably in the pagination_cont.phtml) on the pagination controller add the ajax links
<?= $this->ajaxLink (
$this->url('cities'=>$this->page_num),array('id'=>'div_id','complete'=>'js_method(json_data)','method'=>post) ,array('format'=>'JSON'));
and add a JavaScript function of js_method(json_data) to modify the div with id = 'div_id' with a json data
function js_method(json_data) {
var content = parse.JSON(json_data);
//fill it with the reposnse content some thing like $('#div_id').append(content);