I am building models with proc hpgenselect but I can't set significance level. In Docs I found out that parameter: ALPHA= Specifies a global significance level. However SAS still use default value of 0.05 building model (see on image below).
I wanted to see which parameters will come to model over diffrent significance levels but now I can't do this. &significance. is a macro variable. My code:
%let significance = 0.15;
proc hpgenselect data=MySet ALPHA=&significance.;
model Y = &Var./ dist=nb ALPHA=&significance.;
id id;
selection method=STEPWISE(stop=SL) DETAILS=SUMMARY;
Try the SLS=&significance
statement. I believe that controls the alpha for selection. The ALPHA=
on the model
is for the confidence intervals produced, and ALPHA=
on the hpgenselect
also controls the confidence intervals.
proc hpgenselect data=MySet ALPHA=&significance.;
model Y = &Var./ dist=nb ALPHA=&significance.;
id id;
selection method=STEPWISE(stop=SL SLS=&significance) DETAILS=SUMMARY;
That should give you want you want.