I am wanting to do similar to a case statement in r for a variable utilizing an ifelse statement. For example, lets say I have the following column vector 'Letter_Test' in a data frame that has:
Alpha - Test, Beta- Test, Zeta-Test, Alpha-Two, Beta-Two
I'd like to write a statement that says basically if data is like Alpha then 'Alpha', else return the column result.
In SQL that would be (CASE WHEN Letter_Test LIKE '%Alpha%' THEN Alpha else 'Letter-Test' end).
Actually not sure if I got the question right but if you mean you want to test if "Alpha" is in the column Letter-Test, then this works:
> df <- data.frame("Letter-Test" = c("Alpha - Test", "Beta- Test", "Zeta-Test", "Alpha-Two", "Beta-Two"),
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> ifelse(test = grepl("Alpha", df$Letter.Test), yes = "Alpha", no = df$Letter.Test)
[1] "Alpha" "Beta- Test" "Zeta-Test" "Alpha" "Beta-Two"
Test takes TRUE and FALSE, grepl returns TRUE if the word was found inside the column Letter.Test.
Or you can put the results directly into a new column in the data frame:
> df$AplhaTest <- ifelse(test = grepl("Alpha", df$Letter.Test), yes = "Alpha", no = df$Letter.Test)
> df
Letter.Test AplhaTest
1 Alpha - Test Alpha
2 Beta- Test Beta- Test
3 Zeta-Test Zeta-Test
4 Alpha-Two Alpha
5 Beta-Two Beta-Two