A colleague has a completed iPhone app ready for submission to the App Store. In his iTunesConnect/Apple Dev account/XCode/etc. he has his own profiles and certifs all set up. Now we would like to pass responsibility for the submission to me. I have my own iTunesConnect/Apple Dev account/XCode/etc. as you might imagine, associated with my own business.
I'll be making the first submission, but ideally we'd like to both be able to make them for future releases, and I'm imagining it would be best to use his rather my than my Apple Dev account, as otherwise the app will be associated with my company rather than his, and he built the app for his client.
Yes? No? What is the best way ahead please?
Thank you for reading.
If these are individual Apple Developer enrollments, then there is no team. You can only have developer teams with corporate/company Apple Developer enrollments/accounts. With individual accounts, only the enrolled agent (using their own developer account login) can download their certificates and provisions and submit apps under their accounts name.
If you do let the other developer use or log into your Mac to make an app submission using their own developer account, you might want to set up a separate User account on your Mac for that purpose, in order not to mix together the keychain certificates and logins of two accounts, which can make a mess.
If you want the app in the App store to be listed under the end clients name (recommended), and that client is a corporation, not an individual, then you might want to get added to the client's (enrolled in Apple's Developer program as a company) team.