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Google OAuth from AWS lambda

How do I securely authenticate with google service account from an AWS lambda function? I want to call some google api from AWS lambda.


  • You can store the credentials encrypted in Lambda environment variables too. You can either programmatically store or configure it in the aws console.

    More details:


    aws lambda create-function \
        --region us-east-1
        --function-name myTestFunction
        --zip-file fileb://path/
        --role role-arn
        --environment Variables="{LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/bin/test/lib64}"
        --handler index.handler
        --runtime nodejs6.10
        --profile default


    check on

    Variables: {

    in the below code.

    To Encrypt, check on KMSKeyArn and provide your KMS Arn Value.

    var params = {
      FunctionName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      DeadLetterConfig: {
        TargetArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
      Description: 'STRING_VALUE',
      Environment: {
        Variables: {
          '<EnvironmentVariableName>': 'STRING_VALUE',
          /* '<EnvironmentVariableName>': ... */
      Handler: 'STRING_VALUE',
      KMSKeyArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
      MemorySize: 0,
      Role: 'STRING_VALUE',
      Runtime: nodejs | nodejs4.3 | nodejs6.10 | java8 | python2.7 | python3.6 | dotnetcore1.0 | nodejs4.3-edge,
      Timeout: 0,
      TracingConfig: {
        Mode: Active | PassThrough
      VpcConfig: {
        SecurityGroupIds: [
          /* more items */
        SubnetIds: [
          /* more items */
    lambda.updateFunctionConfiguration(params, function(err, data) {
      if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
      else     console.log(data);           // successful response

    Hope it helps.