I'm wondering if there's an existing Python libary/technique for enforcing function interfaces/"contracts". Something like ABC but for functions.
E.g. An example with made-up syntax:
def my_update(position, state, forces):
return new_position, new_state
def i_state_updater(position, state, forces):
:param position: ...
:returns: ....
So that when I pass this function as an argument I can verify it, eg
def compute_trajectory(update_func, n_steps, initial_state):
:param update_func: An i_state_updater
assert update_func.implements(i_state_updater)
Python's existing abc module does something like this, but only for classes. Is there an equivalent out there for functions?
PyContract seems like a library that you would want to look into.
See https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyContracts
See also