I am working on a calculator and I want it so once the user is done entering the first number and chooses an operator(+-*/ etc.) they can enter a second number and then hit an equals button to get their answer.
Currently, I can not assign a value to my bool inside my def
s, which is keeping me from being able to input a second number and eventually perform functions. The last line of commandButtonPress()
is where things are slipping up, and prior to making whichNum
a list
I was getting:
variable referenced before assignment
I have tried both direct assignment as well as using remove()
and append()
. Buttons 1-9 use the same block of code, and I didn't include the decimal because I didn't think it would be necessary for solving this problem.
I know none of this is elegant and most of it would be far better if I implemented a class, but I am new and trying to figure things out and haven't done object oriented programming in python yet.
from tkinter import *
def buttonOne(whichNum):
count = 0
number = ""
if whichNum == False and num1[0] != "0":
while count < len(num1):
number = number + str(num1[count])
count += 1
screen["text"] = number
elif whichNum == True and num2[0] != "0":
while count < len(num2):
number = number + str(num2[count])
count += 1
screen["text"] = number
if whichNum == False:
num1[0] = "."
num2[0] = "."
number = "0."
screen["text"] = number
def commandButtonPress(symbol, whichNum):
if whichNum == False:
if len(operator) > 0 and operator[0] == "+":
if len(num1) > 0:
whichNum[0] = True
def main():
window = Tk()
num1 = []
num2 = []
operator = []
whichNum = [False]
global screen
screen = Label(text="0", height = 5, width = 30)
screen.pack(side = LEFT, expand=False, anchor = N, padx=[5, 5])
button1 = Button(text="1", command = lambda: buttonOne(whichNum[0]))
button1.grid(column=0, row=2)
button11 = Button(text="+", command = lambda: commandButtonPress("+", whichNum[0]))
button11.grid(column=3, row=2)
The solution Nae posted seems to work. My button doesn't handle num2 properly yet, but whichNum is getting updated as it should in commandButtonPress. Thanks for the help. I finished this project (more or less) and uploaded it to my repo.
from tkinter import *
whichNum = False
def buttonOne():
global whichNum
count = 0
number = ""
if whichNum == False and num1[0] != "0":
while count < len(num1):
number = number + str(num1[count])
count += 1
screen["text"] = number
elif whichNum == True and num2[0] != "0":
while count < len(num2):
number = number + str(num2[count])
count += 1
screen["text"] = number
if whichNum == False:
num1[0] = "."
num2[0] = "."
number = "0."
screen["text"] = number
def commandButtonPress(symbol):
global whichNum
if whichNum == False:
if len(operator) > 0 and operator[0] == "+":
if len(num1) > 0:
whichNum[0] = True
def main():
window = Tk()
num1 = []
num2 = []
operator = []
global whichNum
global screen
screen = Label(text="0", height = 5, width = 30)
screen.pack(side = LEFT, expand=False, anchor = N, padx=[5, 5])
button1 = Button(text="1", command = lambda: buttonOne())
button1.grid(column=0, row=2)
button11 = Button(text="+", command = lambda: commandButtonPress("+"))
button11.grid(column=3, row=2)