I want to show euro symbol that saved in mysql database, in mysql database the symbol is saved as "€", when I show in html it was automatically show as "€", is there a way to convert "€" to "€" again. Here is my code :
function GetRate($NoPo){
global $dbname;
$String = "SELECT ".$dbname.".ratesymbol from
WHERE code= '".$code."'";
$Result = fetchData($String);
return $Result;
$DataRate = GetRate($_GET['code']);
$pdf->MultiCell(0,4,$DataRate [0]['ratesymbol']) ',0,'L');
anybody can help ?
1) Make sure your web pages are in UTF-8.
2) Make sure your database holds UTF-8.
3) Make sure your forms submit UTF-8.
4) Make sure any database updates use UTF-8.
Together these will roundtrip any characters in the Unicode code set.
Also, ALWAYS use parameterized queries to avoid SQL injection attacks.