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BrowserSync starts with NO access URL's listed

I just installed a scaffolding project from Yeoman (ng-fullstack) and only selected the client side options. It installed fine but when I run "gulp", all tasks run without error and launches http://localhost:3000. This never resolves a website and in the console output I get:

enter image description here

The line of code that runs browserSync looks like this:

browserSync({proxy: "http://localhost:3333", reloadDelay: 1000});

Any ideas of why this is not working correctly? I am not too familiar with browserSync just yet.


  • Are you using powershell? I may have encountered the same problem. In my case the Access Urls are actually printed, but invisible due to coloring.

    You can find out by copy/pasting the Access Urls in a text-editor and check their values.