I've been trying to use DBpedia and SPARQL to get cities based on a geo location.
E.g., http://dbpedia.org/page/Berlin
has the properties
geo:lat: 52.516666 (xsd:float)
geo:long: 13.383333 (xsd:float)
and I want to query cities based on location and within a given radius. E.g., I want to find cities within 10km of lat: 51.5033640 and long: -0.1276250
I know this gives me cities --
SELECT ?city WHERE { ?city rdf:type dbo:City }
-- but I don't how to use filter in order to filter out based on radius. Does anyone know that?
Use Virtuoso GeoSpatial functions bif:st_intersects
and bif:st_point
Either with the geometry object (no cities for your London coordinates, change to dbo:Place
to see that there other objects around London):
?city a dbo:City ;
geo:geometry ?geo
FILTER ( bif:st_intersects( ?geo, bif:st_point (-0.1276250, 51.5033640), 10))
Or with lat/long:
?city a dbo:City ;
geo:lat ?lat ;
geo:long ?long .
FILTER ( bif:st_intersects( bif:st_point (?long, ?lat), bif:st_point (-0.1276250, 51.5033640), 10))