For example, I have a list of issues. Each issue has owner uid. By this uid, I should find needed users and display his name and photo. I do it with help architecture component ViewModel:
issues.forEach {
IssueRepository().getIssueOwner(it.owner).observe(this, Observer {
getIssueOwner method:
fun getIssueOwner(uid: String): MutableLiveData<UserEntity> {
val user: MutableLiveData<UserEntity> = MutableLiveData()
val usersReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().reference.child("users")
val query = usersReference.orderByKey().equalTo(uid).limitToFirst(1)
query.addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onCancelled(p0: DatabaseError?) {
override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot?) {
if (dataSnapshot == null) {
dataSnapshot.children.forEach {
val name = it.child("displayName").value
return user
But I'm sure that this approach is not correct. Could you please give me an advice how I should build the architecture of my app?
val query = usersReference.orderByKey().equalTo(uid).limitToFirst(1)
Gives exactly the same results as this much simpler:
val userReference = usersReference.child(uid)
The only difference between the two is that the first snippet gives you a snapshot with a list of one item, while the second snippet gives you a snapshot with just the item.
val userReference = usersReference.child(uid)
userReference.addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError?) {
throw error.toException() // don't ignore errors
override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot?) {
if (dataSnapshot.exists()
val name = dataSnapshot.child("displayName").value
Note that you still can't return a user from the getIssueOwner
method. This is because data is loaded from Firebase asynchronously, and by the time your return
statement is executed, the onDataChange
hasn't been called yet.
I recommend you read a few of these previous question on that topic to learn more about dealing with the asynchronous nature of Firebase (and most of the modern web):