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Highchart: Can I use a different variable as the data labels?

I'm trying to build a column chart through highchart in r studio. I've converted the values to % as I want the graph to show %, but I want the data labels to show the value, is there a way of doing this?

My data set has a column with the values for London and the percentages for London, I want the Y axis of the graph to show the % while the data labels show the value.

This is my current code:

    hc <- highchart() %>%
  hc_title(text= "Gender - London")%>%
  hc_colors('#71599b') %>%
  hc_yAxis(max = 0.7) %>%
  hc_xAxis(categories = Sex$Gender) %>%
  hc_add_series(name = "London", type = "column",
                data = Sex$LON_PERC, dataLabels = list(enabled=TRUE, format={Sex$London}) ) 

So, I've put Sex$LON_PERC (% in London) as the data to plot while Sex$London is the data labels.

But this code puts all the values of London in each data label.

enter image description here


This is the data I'm trying to plot, LON_PERC on the Y Axis, Gender on the X axis and London as the Data Labels

Gender    London    LON_PERC
Declined    5      0.000351247
Female    8230     0.578152441
Male      4640     0.325957148
No Data   1360     0.095539164


  • I've found a work around.

    So, I can add in a "tooltip" that appears when I hover over the column/bar.

    Firstly, a function is needed:

    myhc_add_series_labels_values <- function (hc, labels, values, text, colors= NULL, ...) 
      assertthat::assert_that(is.highchart(hc), is.numeric(values), 
                              length(labels) == length(values))
      df <- dplyr::data_frame(name = labels, y = values, text=text)
      if (!is.null(colors)) {
        assert_that(length(labels) == length(colors))
        df <- mutate(df, color = colors)
      ds <- list_parse(df)
      hc <- hc %>% hc_add_series(data = ds, ...)

    and then when creating the highchart this function needs to be called.

    The data looks as follows:

    Sex <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = 
                "Gender     London     LON_PERC
                 Declined       5      0.000351247
                 Female      8230      0.578152441
                 Male        4640      0.325957148
                'No Data'    1360      0.095539164

    Then the code to generate the highchart is:

    Gender<- highchart() %>%
          hc_xAxis(categories = Sex$Gender, labels=list(rotation=0))%>%
          myhc_add_series_labels_values(labels = Sex$Gender,values=Sex$LON_PERC, text=Sex$London, type="column")%>%
          hc_tooltip(crosshairs=TRUE, borderWidth=5, sort=TRUE, shared=TRUE, table=TRUE,pointFormat=paste('<br>%: {point.y}%<br>#: {point.text}'))%>%

    This gives the below output:

    enter image description here

    Then when I hover over each column/bar it gives be the % information and the number information as can be seen here:

    enter image description here