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How to create dynamically records for each month between range of dates

I have the following dates in a table cp:

start_date: 01/01/2017, end_date: 01/08/2017;
start_date: 01/04/2017, end_date: 01/07/2017

I would like to create a record dynamically for each month between these periods. It tried with the following query, but I don't understand why it's not working.

select add_months(cp.end_date, rownum-1) which_month, id
FROM    (select '1' as id, 
            to_date('01/01/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY') start_date,
            to_date('01/08/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY') end_date
    from dual
    select  '2' as id, 
            to_date('01/04/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY') start_date,
            to_date('01/07/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY') end_date
    from dual) cp, all_objects
WHERE ROWNUM <= months_between(cp.end_date, add_months(cp.start_date, -1));

Can you help me?


  • I don't understand why it's not working.

    ROWNUM is a pseudo-column generated by the result set; it doesn't work the way you think.

    One solution - there are several but this is the closest there is to an industry standard - is to use the connect by level trick:

    select '1' as id, 
            add_months(date '2017-01-01', (level-1) ) as which_month
    from dual
    connect by level <= months_between(date '2017-08-01', date '2017-01-01')+1

    months_between() takes the arguments (end_date, start_date) - you need to add one to that number to get the end date.

    "Would the level-trick still work ?"

    Sort of. There's an additional trick necessary to prevent the CONNECT BY generating a product:

    select id, 
            add_months(start_date, level-1 ) as which_month
    from t23
    connect by level <= months_between(end_date , start_date)+1
        --  these two lines required to avoid the need for DISTINCT
        and id = prior id 
        and prior sys_guid() is not null
    order by 1, 2

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