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Aliasing Column with Hashtag in Name in Rails

I have a legacy database with a column named similar to My#Column which I am trying to alias. In my Sequel model I have:

alias_attribute :MyColumn, :"My#Column"

But I get a syntax error:

...Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/activesupport-5.1.4/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:26: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end

The problem seems to be the #. I have tried escaping it like \# but I get the same error. I don't understand why I get a syntax error as this kind of symbol has worked for me in other places.

What do I do to get this alias to work?


  • This is what alias_attribute is actually doing Source

      module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
        def #{new_name}; self.#{old_name}; end          # def subject; self.title; end
        def #{new_name}?; self.#{old_name}?; end        # def subject?; self.title?; end
        def #{new_name}=(v); self.#{old_name} = v; end  # def subject=(v); self.title = v; end

    So essentially this is becoming

      def MyColumn; self.My#Column; end
      def MyColumn?; self.My#Column?; end
      def MyColumn=(val); self.My#Column= val; end

    Notice the fact that this is in a single line which means that everything after self.My becomes a comment (including the end) and thus the error you are receiving. Even if this was not a single line in rails ruby would simply raise a NoMethodError for the fact that My is not a method because the #Column portion would be treated as a comment.

    This also seems strange since ActiveModel#alias_attribute has a functional implementation of the exact same via define_proxy_call which looks like

    def define_proxy_call(include_private, mod, name, send, *extra)
      defn = if NAME_COMPILABLE_REGEXP.match?(name)
         "def #{name}(*args)"
         "define_method(:'#{name}') do |*args|"
      extra = (!(&:inspect) << "*args").join(", ".freeze)
      target = if CALL_COMPILABLE_REGEXP.match?(send)
        "#{"self." unless include_private}#{send}(#{extra})"
        "send(:'#{send}', #{extra})"
      mod.module_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1

    Here you can see it actually checks to see if the new name(name) and original name(send) are "compilable" and if not it handles them appropriately.

    Rather than alias_attribute which is going to have issues with what is essentially a comment character. I would suggest manually implementing the same using public_send e.g.

      def MyColumn
      def MyColumn=(val)
      def MyColumn?

    This should result in the same but without the syntax issues.