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Feed python output to whiptail

I would like to use a TUI (text user interface) on a headless linux server by passing output of some PYTHON code to 'whiptail'. Unfortunately, nothing seems to happen in whiptail. When I pipe the output from a regular shell script, then whiptail works fine. Here is what I have:

echo 10
sleep 1
echo 20
sleep 1
echo 100
sleep 1

$ ./ | whiptail --title "TEST" --gauge "GAUGE" 0 50 0

I get the below progress bar incrementing as expected.

Whiptail working when piping output from shell script

Now I try to replicate same thing from python:

import time

print 10
print 100

$ ./ | whiptail --title "TEST" --gauge "GAUGE" 0 50 0

I get the below progress bar staying at 0%. No increment seen. Whiptail does exit once the python program in the background has exited.

No change in progress bar when piping python output

Any ideas how to get python output to be piped successfully to whiptail ? I have not tried this with dialog; since I wanted to stick to whiptail which is pre-installed on most ubuntu distros.


  • man whiptail says:

    --gauge text height width percent

              A gauge box displays a meter along the bottom of the
              box.  The meter indicates a percentage.  New percentages
              are read from standard input, one integer per line.  The
              meter is updated to reflect each new percentage.  If
              stdin is XXX, the first following line is a percentage
              and subsequent lines up to another XXX are used for a
              new prompt.  The gauge exits when EOF is reached on

    That means that whiptail reads from standard input. Many programs commonly buffer output when it's not going to the file. To force python to produce unbuffered output you can either:

    • Run it with unbuffer:

      $ unbuffer ./ | whiptail --title "TEST" --gauge "GAUGE" 0 50 0
    • Use -u switch on the command line:

      $ python -u ./ | whiptail --title "TEST" --gauge "GAUGE" 0 50 0
    • Modify the shebang of

      #!/usr/bin/python -u
      import time
      print 10
      print 20
      print 100
    • Manually flush stdout after each print:

      import time
      import sys
      print 10
      print 20
      print 100
    • Set PYTHONUNBUFFERED environment variable:

      $ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ./ | whiptail --title "TEST" --gauge "GAUGE" 0 50 0