Search code examples

How to limit using memory by Sphinx?

My system is

% uname -or
FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p2

Sphinx version is

% searchd --help
Sphinx 2.2.11-id64-release (95ae9a6)

Sphinx configuration:

index content_rt_template : common_template
    type              = rt
    rt_mem_limit      = 128M              # 128M only...

    rt_field          = text
    rt_attr_string    = text
    rt_field          = title
    rt_attr_string    = title
    rt_field          = url
    rt_attr_string    = url
    rt_attr_bigint    = item_id
    rt_attr_uint      = source_id
    rt_attr_timestamp = published_date
    rt_attr_timestamp = created_date

common {
    lemmatizer_base   = /path/to/sphinx/

    mem_limit         = 128M              # 128M only...

index content_rt_from_20170501_to_20170601 : content_rt_template
    path              = /path/to/sphinx/data/2017/content_rt_from_20170501_to_20170601

index content_rt_from_20170601_to_20170701 : content_rt_template
    path              = /path/to/sphinx/data/2017/content_rt_from_20170601_to_20170701

index content_rt_from_20171201_to_20180101 : content_rt_template
    path              = /path/to/sphinx/data/2017/content_rt_from_20171201_to_20180101

index content2017
    type              = distributed
    local             = content_rt_from_20170501_to_20170601
    local             = content_rt_from_20170601_to_20170701
    local             = content_rt_from_20171201_to_20180101

    listen            =
    listen            = 9317:mysql41
    log               = /path/to/sphinx/log/searchd_2017.log
    query_log         = /path/to/sphinx/log/query_2017.log
    read_timeout      = 60
    max_children      = 30
    pid_file          = /path/to/sphinx/pid/
    seamless_rotate   = 0
    preopen_indexes   = 0
    unlink_old        = 1
    workers           = threads # for RT to work
    binlog_path       = /path/to/sphinx/data/2017/

Used memory before starting Sphinx:

Mem[|||||||||                     5.33G/40.0G]

Log on Sphinx start:

% ./
Sphinx 2.2.11-id64-release (95ae9a6)
Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Sphinx Technologies Inc (

using config file '/path/to/sphinx/conf/content2017.conf'...
listening on
listening on all interfaces, port=9317
WARNING: index 'common_template': key 'path' not found - NOT SERVING
WARNING: index 'content_rt_template': path must be specified - NOT SERVING
WARNING: failed to init process shared rwlock: process shared rwlock is not supported by FreeBSD; ALTER disabled
precaching index 'content_rt_from_20170501_to_20170601'
WARNING: failed to init process shared rwlock: process shared rwlock is not supported by FreeBSD; ALTER disabled
precaching index 'content_rt_from_20170601_to_20170701'
WARNING: failed to init process shared rwlock: process shared rwlock is not supported by FreeBSD; ALTER disabled
precaching index 'content_rt_from_20171201_to_20180101'
precached 3 indexes in 6.520 sec
Sphinx 2.2.11-id64-release (95ae9a6)
Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Sphinx Technologies Inc (

using config file '/path/to/sphinx/conf/content_dist.conf'...
listening on
listening on all interfaces, port=9306
WARNING: index 'common_template': key 'path' not found - NOT SERVING
WARNING: index 'content_rt_template': path must be specified - NOT SERVING
WARNING: failed to init process shared rwlock: process shared rwlock is not supported by FreeBSD; ALTER disabled
precaching index 'content_snippet'
precached 1 indexes in 0.064 sec

Used memory after Sphinx started:

Mem[|||||||||||||||               11.6G/40.0G]

Sphinx use about 6G. But according to mem_limit and rt_mem_limit must use not more than 128 * 3 = 384M.

What may be reason of using lot of memory?

Maybe reason in this warning?

WARNING: failed to init process shared rwlock: process shared rwlock


I has tryed it on Ubuntu 16.04 and situation is same.


  • The rt_mem_limit only limits the size of the ram chunk itself. Any disk chunks will use their own memory.

    Typically its attributes that compose the biggest part , as by default, all are held in memory. Can cut down memory with